The University of Cambridge will not respond to third party requests received for academic background checks. Please follow the guidance below:
The University uses the Digitary CORE online verification service for all academic verifications. This web-based service enables:
The University to be compliant with GDPR legislation by not releasing personal information without consent.
Students (past and present) to access academic awards and other official documents online via a secure web portal in read-only form;
Students and alumni to share their documents directly with third parties online in a controlled audited manner;
Third parties to receive verified information in a secure, single system;
The University to securely issue academic awards and other official documents online;
If you are seeking validation of a student's current and/or completed educational attainments then you need to ask them directly to request online access and create a secure document share with yourself.
Once a student has requested access for online verification it will be available to them within 5 working days, at which point they will be able to create the required document share.