If your payment is not going through please follow the guidance below to resolve.
- Clear your cache before making another payment attempt
- If using Chrome as the browser in a previous transaction, please try using Firefox or Edge and Safari if using Apple device/ operating system.
- If using a company device, some of the features in our payment portal may have been blocked by the device’s security, please try using an alternative device such as personal laptop etc
- If the error says ‘3D Secure Challenge Authentication’ this means that the information provided during payment did not match with the card issuer’s record. This is a security check, so please ensure that all payment details entered are the same as what the card issuer has on their record especially the billing address. If there is anything which does not match, the payment will automatically fail. This includes the use of titles such as Mr., Miss etc.
- The card payment industry has recently tightened the security and customers may be required to include the country code when entering their contact phone number on the billing address ( e.g. +44 for UK) then followed by your number excluding the preceding ‘0’
If after having reviewed the above problems persist please email onlinesales@findivsales.admin.cam.ac.uk for further support and advice.