Extended Self Service (ESS)
Raven4Life will no longer be supported by ESS in the coming weeks. All alumni who graduated in the summer of 2013 with an existing account will need to register for Extended Self Service access. Please refer to these pages for further information and guidance.
- What is (and how does) Extended Self Service (ESS) work?
- What should I do if I get a '..code you have entered is not valid or expired' when attempting 2FA?
- What is my USN?
- When attempting ESS registration I am presented with the error message 'Unable to verify details'.
- Why do I need to complete two-factor authentication (2FA)?
- I do not have access to a smartphone/android to complete the two Factor Authentication (2FA) needed.
- I am an existing account holder but cannot access authenticator app and need a temporary code?
- I have forgotten my self-service login details, what should I do?
- What should I do if I am having problems launching ESS?
- I have recently completed my studies and no longer have access to CamSIS. What should I do?
- What should I do if I have recently completed and received my degree yet, will be returning for further study in the next academic year?